
Neon POP Series

Series of pop artworks I did during my last period in Buenos Aires. These pieces served as an inspiration to everything that was yet to come.

Ultimo Tango en Buenos Aires

The last exhibition in Buenos Aires. An opportunity to showcase my latest works together with the artworks I was bringing to Europe to sell to new audiences.

In Berlin

Berlin, sweet Berlin. At some point of my life I got tired of it all, and moved to Berlin. Guess it’s something most artists fantasize about, but what good are fantasies over making your dreams come true? First thing I did when I got to town? Pineapple’a it up!

Bye Bye Buenos Aires

And so, one day I said bye, and left Buenos Aires to start my new life in Berlin.


  [FinalTilesGallery id=’10’]  

On Mtv! Latina

 Teko van Kuyk para MTV+ Expressions + Bam Bam estas muerto from teko van kuyk on Vimeo. Teko van Kuyk + Bam Bam estas muerto – Backstage. from teko van kuyk on Vimeo.